Welcome to Autumn's Grace - a fansite dedicated to past fansites, remembering and preserving the old web, embracing nostalgia and creation, and, of course, Pokemon.
The phoenix rises - |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:10/2/2023 |
Hello everyone (if anyone still checks this site), I have a big apology to make. When i made this site i was beyond passionate and overzealous. I added too many links before pages, and this killed my drive to update or write as I was constantly feeling like every day I didn't finish a page, make a new icon or theory, i was failing my audience. I know that sounds irrational or dumb, and i've been working on it, but it's difficult to reign in a reaction you've had forever.
What does this mean, though? - Updates to the site will continue, just slower and at my own pace! I'm also working (i promise, slowly) on a separate site that'll be more for my personal stuff like art, pet blogs, my fanfiction, and more. All of the pokemon related stuff will stay here though! Why now, almost a year later? - I recently picked up a rom of pokemon crystal and one of HeartGold. Playing through HG and Crystal (and getting a shiny totodile in crystal!) made me remember why I fell in love with pokemon and why even now I am still entranced by it. Gold (GSC gold) was my first pokemon game back in 2006, I was 5 yrs old. Replaying the Johto games, seeing Ho-Oh and the beasts, it felt comforting, in a way. It's a good break from life and my job. And So, as long as my love for Pokemon remains, I will do my best to update this site. I have my own ideas of how to make this place truly unique - and while it might be a while before you hear from me again - know this place isn't forgotten, and it isn't dead. Thank you for reading! I'll try to be back sooner rather than later ^^ |
I got sick. |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:10/24/2022 |
hello! sorry for no new or exciting updates. I've been super sick for the past like, 3 weeks. it's been hell. I am making progress behind the scenes tho! I have layouts for each of the pages that need completed and outlines so I have an easier time writing them all. We also do have a second affiliate, and I'm putting their button up around the site. I also have some... weird articles I'm working on that probably won't make much sense to the average viewer. But i might also be working on a diversion - some of the pages on this site don't really feel like they fit the theme super well so once I finish them I believe I will be porting them to a more personal site and keep AG more fansite and pokemon oriented. |
Updates + Links (Thank you for 1,500 hits!) |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:10/3/2022 |
So, I've been doing some stuff behind the scenes. Working on a new way to use the style switcher so it's less.. er, bulky? (a drop down box) and making a second true dark theme. This theme will centre around my selfsona, The Phoenix, if that gives you an idea of the colours and thematic.
A friend who i've been in contact with regarding site stuff, Wish-Jirachi, has also reconstructed an old site! Meaning we now have a *nearly* complete reconstruction of an old fansite for the archive! I'm overjoyed as it is such a genuinely nostalgic and fantastic thing to have. You can check out the recreation via the link in the archive! I added a poll to the side for y'all to vote on! I've been kinda scatterbrained recently and want to make a true plan for "completing" the site. If y'all could spare a click to vote, it would be great! I also added links to and fleshed out the second sidebar. It felt kinda barren and I wanted to improve on it. Last thing, a message popped into the cbox that made me cry... tears of joy of course! It was from a long-lost friend who managed to stumble across the site thanks to TCoD. That is what this site is about, what it is for - preserving these memories and making sure they live on, and maybe one day the people who created such fond memories will see this site and reminisce on the past. and the emotion really hit home. I'm still not 100% over the emotional hit. It's a good thing, of course. It makes all the work feel worthwhile. And i sincerely thank everyone who's visited the site, commented, left cbox messages, and emailed me. |
Styleswitcher is back! |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:09/23/2022 |
Our styleswitcher is back and better than ever! Some glitches (of course, i can't code anything without there being *some* errors...) but I think it looks great! Tho, if you're a darkmode fan like me, there's no reason to swap layouts.
Expanded some page ideas (like all things, i can dream of getting everything done,) and removed a few links. I did finish some other pages, I added a *tonne* of new free avatars, and typed up a bio for Lillia and added images to Heliowl, my MLP fan world. Also corrected the typo that was present on this site since day 1 - "headcannon". I blame my dyslexia. work slaughters me but there is nothing that can stop me from staying up (too) late and putting work into pages and this site. ps. if you're reading this, would you mind leaving a lil message in the Cbox? I would love to hear more opinions on the site! |
More pages complete! |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:09/01/2022 |
I've been hard at work finishing pages around the site! I know the site's been quite barren and I've finished (well, mostly) the pokemon section, and the freebie section. I'm still working on the free layout + an opinion piece for the pokemon section, but pages are getting done! Work has been killing me so updates are slow. Hope these hold you off though! |
New Layout! |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:08/26/2022 |
If you had access to /test.html you saw this coming - I have spent all day working on a new layout. I hope this one is just as charming as the old one! Old layouts can be viewed in full (styleswitcher and all) via the Past Layouts page! The new table layout for news and updates looks *so much* better and I am genuinely happy with the result. We also have a cbox now! Feel free to shoot me a message! I love reading opinions on how to improve the site! We also have new stat counters, so our old one is gone. Oh well. |
Styleswitcher Problems :( (thank you for 100 hits!) |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:08/25/2022 |
For some reason the styleswitcher is acting up now that it's been ported from our old host to neocities. I feel it may be a backend issue as this wasn't happening before. I Email=ed Neocities about it but so far no response. In the mean time I am working on new layouts to better support the size I have planned for this site + possibly let the styleswitcher work again. Hopefully a less-image heavy layout could help this without me needing to code inline pages and rewrite the div structure... Also working on some extra features like a lil music player, getting a Cbox and guestbook working, as well as getting around to finishing the DIV Table layout page + offering the current layouts (the framework) as freebies as well as explaining DIV tables for noobs.
As a closer, thank you for 100 hits! I did not expect so many views within 24hrs of porting the site, and I thank you for it :) |
Site Maintenance + archive update |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:08/24/2022 |
A general update, I've added some stuff to the site for general browsing improvements. We have a styleswitcher now (that took me *forever* to set up), and most pages have been *linked*, not fully typed out but they are made.
I also got in contact with an old friend + old fansite owner, and they are working on stitching together an old site they made! I am working on possibly making this site PHP so i can integrate CuteNews and other php programs for ease of updating the archive. |
Grand Opening |
![]() By:Faeynix Date:08/21/2022 |
Hello! My name is Faeynix and I am the the creator of this site. I was suddenly overtaken by inspiration to create this site following a deep dive I did into popular fansites of the past.
During this deep dive I found myself remembering all of my old friends, my old fansite, and how much fansites in general meant to me and others. Fansites like Serebii, The Cave of Dragonflies, and 6th floor were and still are (barring the 6th floor) active and people's go-to sites for information and fun quizzes. 6th floor was the creation ground for *a lot* of pokemon creepypastas and theories. This site was made to embody the look and feel of an old, 2005-2012 era fansite. Down to the Div table layout and all. While browsing through, I hope you gaze upon the past and find appreciation, inspiration, nostalgia, and maybe even a little joy. Fansites never died. |